Medicine from Old Saratoga Books
New Arrivals
A Good and Noble Thing: The Pioneering Life and Service of Anna Ward Perkins, M. D.
by Finin, Gerard A.
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Published
- 2018
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9781532377235
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
Show Details
Private Printing. Very Good. 2018. Softcover. 1532377231 . xviii, 298pp, index. Photos, index, notes, bibliography. Published in conjunction with the Rensselaerville Historical Society, The Westerlo Historical Society, and the Town of Westerlo Heritage Museum. Biography of the pioneering woman doctor (1899-1993) who served patients in rural Albany County, New York.; 8vo 8" - 9" tall . Item Price
First Aid Dentistry
by Ryan, E. P. R.
- Condition
- Used - Very Good with no dust jacket; Owner name embossed on front free endpaper, boards lightly worn.
- Published
- 1914
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
Show Details
Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Company. Very Good with no dust jacket; Owner name embossed on front free endpaper, . boards lightly worn.. 1914. Hardcover. Green cloth titled in gilt, x, 153pp, many photos. World War I-era dentistry book written by a US Army dental surgeon. A book for medical and dental professionals and military medics for first aid dental… Read more about this item Item Price
Handbook of the Hospital Corps: United States Navy, 1939
- Condition
- Used - Very Good with no dust jacket; Boards lightly worn, corners rounded, owner name stamped on endpapers and page edges.
- Published
- 1939
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. Very Good with no dust jacket; Boards lightly worn, corners rounded, owner . name stamped on endpapers and page edges.. 1939. Hardcover. Brown buckram binding, vi, 1015pp. Color plates and many other photos and illustrations. Index. ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall . Item Price
The Harvey Lectures Delivered under the Auspices of the Harvey Society of New York, 1930-1931: Series XXIX
- Condition
- Used - Very Good with no dust jacket; Boards lightly worn.
- Published
- 1935
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Baltimore: The Williams and Wilkins Company. Very Good with no dust jacket; Boards lightly worn.. 1935. Hardcover. Burgundy cloth binding. Medical lectures about typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, oxidation-reduction systems, heteroplastic grafting in embryology, estrogenic substances, biliary tract, morbid processes in the fetus, psitticosis, and the nervous mechanism of cardio-vascular control. ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 262 pages… Read more about this item Item Price
The Harvey Lectures Delivered under the Auspices of the Harvey Society of New York, 1930-1931: Series XXVI
- Condition
- Used - Very Good with no dust jacket; Musty, boards lightly worn.
- Published
- 1931
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
Show Details
Baltimore: The Williams and Wilkins Company. Very Good with no dust jacket; Musty, boards lightly worn.. 1931. Hardcover. Burgundy cloth binding. Medical lectures about the female sex hormone, Peking man, cerebral function, psychoanalysis, immunological reactions in plants, coronary arteries, tissue resistance and immunity, and the cold as an agent in physiological analysis. ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 186 pages… Read more about this item Item Price
A Catalogue of Selected Objects: The Historical Museum of Medicine and Dentistry
- Condition
- Used - Very Good; Covers lightly worn.
- Published
- 1979
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Hartford, CT: Hartford Medical Society and Hartford Dental Society. Very Good; Covers lightly worn.. 1979. Hardcover. Stapled glossy photo-illustrated card covers. Many photos. Descriptions of various antique medical and dental objects, including physicians' bags, surgical sets, cupping instruments, catheters, galvanic tractors, splints, obstetrical instruments, tooth keys, and more. ; Oblong 8vo 8" to 9" tall; 48 pages . Item Price
Catalog of Highest Quality Equipment, Instruments and Supplies for Hospitals, Clinics, Physicians, Health Departments
- Condition
- Used - Good with no dust jacket; Boards worn, lower corners bumped.
- Published
- 1947
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Tacoma and Seattle: Shaw Supply Co, Inc. Good with no dust jacket; Boards worn, lower corners bumped.. 1947. Hardcover. Profusely illustrated with photos and illustrations. Ex-Library of Congress copy. Great vintage reference for surgical supplies, including operating tables, hospital beds, supply cabinets, stretchers, sterilizers, x-ray units, anesthesia accessories, wheelchairs, syringes, forceps, retractors, bone instruments, etc. ; Ex-Library; 4to 11" -… Read more about this item Item Price
Nymphis Medicis
by Pallas, Akos
- Condition
- Used - Very Good in Good dust jacket; Scar on front pastedown endpaper, jacket tattered.
- Published
- 1962
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Budapest, Hungary: Medimpex. Very Good in Good dust jacket; Scar on front pastedown endpaper, jacket . tattered.. 1962. Hardcover. A collection of photographs and descriptions of medical antiques, books, and oddities culled from various museums and collections in Hungary. White cloth binding. ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 143 pages . Item Price
Nine Black American Doctors
by Hayden, Robert C. ; Harris, Jacqueline
- Condition
- Used - Good in Good dust jacket; Boards and jacket worn, sticker liftoff on front free endpaper, jacket price-clipped.
- Published
- 1976
- Binding
- Hardcover
- 9780201028423
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Good in Good dust jacket; Boards and jacket worn, sticker liftoff on front . free endpaper, jacket price-clipped.. 1976. Hardcover. 0201028425 . Profiles of Solomon Carter Fuller, William A. Hinton, Louis T. Wright, William Montague Cobb, Arthur C. Logan, Daniel A. Collins, Jane C. Wright, Eugene W. Adams, and Angella D. Ferguson. Index. Photos. ; 8vo 8"… Read more about this item Item Price
Woman: Her Sex and Love Life
by Robinson, William J.
- Condition
- Used - Good with no dust jacket; Boards worn, pages toned.
- Edition
- Seventeenth Edition
- Published
- 1929
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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NY: Eugenics Publishing Company. Good with no dust jacket; Boards worn, pages toned.. 1929. Seventeenth Edition. Hardcover. While full of hopelessly antiquated medical and public health advice, Dr. Robinson's book nonetheless was considered somewhat enlightened for its time in providing details about female sexual anatomy, physiology, menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, masturbation, and for actually advocating birth control use. Some illustrations. Blue… Read more about this item Item Price
De Conceptu, Et Generatione Hominis
by Rueff, Jacob
- Condition
- Used - Very Good with no dust jacket; Slipcase soiled and worn.
- Edition
- Facsimile
- Published
- [1980]
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Stuttgart, Germany: Editions Medicina Rara Ltd.. Very Good with no dust jacket; Slipcase soiled and worn.. [1980]. Facsimile. Hardcover. Facsimile edition of this 1587 Frankfurt book on obstetrics, written in Latin. One of 2500 numbered copies bound in half vellum and Fabriano Roma paper. Housed in paper-covered cardboard slipcase. Illustrations, including various kinds of conjoined twins and fanciful births. ;… Read more about this item Item Price
History of the Massachusetts General Hospital Training School for Nurses
by Parsons, Sara E.
- Condition
- Used - Good with no dust jacket; Spine cracked, shaken, boards worn.
- Published
- 1922
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Boston: Whitcomb and Barrows. Good with no dust jacket; Spine cracked, shaken, boards worn.. 1922. Hardcover. Gray cloth binding. xii, 220pp, photos, illustrations. Fifty-year history of the Boston Training School for Nurses. Nine page stapled booklet for Massachusetts General Hospital Probationers laid in. ; 12mo 7" - 7½" tall . Item Price
Women at War: The Story of Fifty Military Nurses Who Served in Vietnam
by Norman, Elizabeth
- Condition
- Used - Very Good; Foxing to page edges, covers lightly worn, sticker on front free endpaper.
- Published
- 1990
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9780812213171
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
Show Details
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Very Good; Foxing to page edges, covers lightly worn, sticker on front . free endpaper.. 1990. Softcover. 0812213173 . Stories of fifty women nurses who served in the Army, Navy, and Air Force Nurse Corps during the Vietnam War. Notes, index, references. ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 211 pages . Item Price
Sleeping Sickness in the Island of Principe: Sanitation, Statistics, Hospital Services, and Work of Official Conservancy Brigade
by Costa, Bernardo F. Bruto Da
- Condition
- Used - Good; Covers rubbed and faded with owner notes and stamp on front cover.
- Edition
- First Printing
- Published
- 1913
- Binding
- Softcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Lisbon and London: The Centro Colonial and Bailliere, Tindall and Cox. Good; Covers rubbed and faded with owner notes and stamp on front cover.. 1913. First Printing. Softcover. viii, 90pp + 3 fold-out schedules. Black and white frontispiece photo, tables, black and white photos, and schedules. Vintage medical study focused on history, organization, trypanosomiasis, inspections, and statistics. English translation by… Read more about this item Item Price
Body and Soul: 100 Years At Saint Vincent Hospital 1893-1993
by Kowal, David P.
- Condition
- Used - Very Good in Very Good dust jacket; Jacket lightly worn, page tops foxed.
- Edition
- First Edition
- Published
- 1993
- Binding
- Hardcover
- 9780963627735
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
Show Details
Worcester, MA: Saint Vincent Celebration Committee. Very Good in Very Good dust jacket; Jacket lightly worn, page tops foxed.. 1993. First Edition. Hardcover. 0963627732 . xviii, 334pp. Index, photos. Gray cloth titled in gilt. A history of Saint Vincent Hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts. ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall . Item Price
Dear Grace, a Romance of History
by Gillett, Margaret
- Condition
- Used - Very Good in Very Good dust jacket; Jacket lightly worn.
- Edition
- First Edition
- Published
- 1986
- Binding
- Hardcover
- 9780920792582
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Montreal: Eden Press. Very Good in Very Good dust jacket; Jacket lightly worn.. 1986. First Edition. Hardcover. 0920792588 . This book is based upon 27 letters written between 1889 and 1894 by a Canadian doctor, William C. Little, to Grace Ritchie, one of McGill University's first female graduates and the first female doctor licensed to practice medicine in Quebec (from… Read more about this item Item Price
Naval and Maritime Medicine During the American Revolution
by Gordon, Maurice Bear
- Condition
- Used - Very Good with no dust jacket; Front boards have white stains, owner name on front free endpaper.
- Published
- 1978
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Ventnor, NJ: Ventnor Publishing. Very Good with no dust jacket; Front boards have white stains, owner name . on front free endpaper.. 1978. Hardcover. Navy cloth binding. Many photos and illustrations. Notes, index, list of naval surgeons of the Revolution. History of the rapid development of naval and maritime medicine during the American Revolutionary War. ; 4to 11" - 13"… Read more about this item Item Price
Revolutionary Medicine 1700-1800
by Wilbur, C. Keith
- Condition
- Used - Very Good
- Edition
- Second Edition; Third Printing
- Published
- 1980
- Binding
- Softcover
- 9780762701391
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
Show Details
Guilford, CT: The Globe Pequot Press. Very Good. 1980. Second Edition; Third Printing. Softcover. 0762701390 . vi, 88pp. Black and white illustrations, references, and index. This fascinating chronicle of the crusade against disease underscores the ingeniousness of America's most daring fighting men. (from the rear cover) A volume in the Illustrated Living History Series. ; 4to … Read more about this item Item Price
The Illustrations from the Works of Andreas Vesalius of Brussels
by Saunders, J. B. deC. ; O'Malley, Charles D.
- Condition
- Used - Very Good in Very Good dust jacket; Jacket toned and lightly worn.
- Edition
- Second Printing
- Published
- 1950
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Cleveland: The World Publishing Company. Very Good in Very Good dust jacket; Jacket toned and lightly worn.. 1950. Second Printing. Hardcover. Maroon cloth. Anatomical illustrations by Vesalius from his 16th century works, with annotations and notes by Saunders and O'Malley. 96 plates. ; 4to 11" - 13" tall; 252 pages . Item Price
A Way of Life: An Address Delivered to Yale Students
by Osler, William
- Condition
- Used - Very Good in Good dust jacket; Boards toned, jacket tattered.
- Edition
- Later Printing
- Published
- 1932
- Binding
- Hardcover
- Quantity Available
- 1
- Seller
Selkirk, New York, USA
- Item Price
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Baltimore: The Remington-Putnam Book Company. Very Good in Good dust jacket; Boards toned, jacket tattered.. 1932. Later Printing. Hardcover. Introduction by John Rathbone Oliver. Gray boards. Reprints an address delivered to Yale students Sunday evening, April 20, 1913. ; 8vo 8" - 9" tall; 47 pages . Item Price