Chemistry of minerals, crystals and gems

Top selling books in Chemistry of minerals, crystals and gems

Rocks and Minerals Of Washington and Oregon
Dan R Lynch Bob Lynch
Paperback (2012-08-01)
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Rocks, Gems and Minerals
Paul R Herbert S ; Shaffer Zim
Paperback (2001-04-01)
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Earth Materials
Anthony Cornelis; Philpotts Klein
Paperback (2016-12-01)
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Rock Picker's Guide To Lake Superior's North Shore
Mark Sparky Stensaas
Paperback (2000-06-01)
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Prospecting For Gemstones and Minerals
John Sinkankas
Paperback (2018-03-01)
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Hall Cally
Paperback (2021-07-01)
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Collecting Fluorescent Minerals
Stuart Schneider
Paperback (2011-01-01)
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David Vaughan
Paperback (2014-12-01)
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Colorado Gem Trails and Mineral Guide
Richard M Pearl
Paperback (1972-01-01)
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De Re Metallica
Georgius Agricola
Paperback (2014-12-01)
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Robert Hutchison
Paperback (2007-01-01)
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Environmental and Low Temperature Geochemistry
Peter Ryan
Paperback (2019-12-01)
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The World Of Fluorescent Minerals
Stuart Schneider
Paperback (2006-07-01)
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Symphony In C
Robert M Hazen
Paperback (2020-10-01)
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Michel Capderou
Paperback (2011-10-01)
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The Diamond Makers
Robert M Hazen
Paperback (1999-08-01)
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Quantitative Textural Measurements In Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Michael Denis Higgins
Paperback (2010-03-01)
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Neodymium Isotope Geochemistry
Donald J Depaolo
Paperback (2012-04-01)
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Alain Meunier
Paperback (2010-10-01)
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Uranium Ore Deposits
Franz J Dahlkamp
Paperback (2010-12-01)
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Deformation Microstructures In Rocks
Soumyajit Mukherjee
Paperback (2017-04-01)
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Fluid Inclusions
Edwin Roedder
Paperback (2018-05-01)
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Origin Of Igneous Rocks
Gunter Faure
Paperback (2010-12-01)
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Collector's Guide To the Tourmaline Group
Robert J Lauf
Paperback (2011-05-01)
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