Physiological and neuro-psychology, biopsychology

Top selling books in Physiological and neuro-psychology, biopsychology

Visual Thinking
Grandin Temple
Paperback (2023-10-01)
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How Emotions Are Made
Prof Lisa Feldman Barrett Ph D
Paperback (2018-03-01)
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The Boy Who Was Raised As a Dog
Maia Bruce D ; Szalavitz Perry
Paperback (2017-08-01)
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This Is Your Brain On Music
Daniel J Levitin
Paperback (2008-04-01)
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Deborah Dana
Paperback (2021-11-01)
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Happiness Hypothesis
Haidt- Jonathan
Paperback (2021-01-01)
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The Mind-Gut Connection
Emeran Mayer
Paperback (2018-06-01)
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Getting Past Your Past
Francine Shapiro
Paperback (2013-03-01)
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Buddha's Brain
With Richard Mendius Rick Hanson; Md Ph D
Paperback (2009-11-01)
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The Source
Tara Swart
Paperback (2020-11-01)
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The Creative Connection
Natalie Rogers
Paperback (1993-12-01)
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Proust and The Squid
Maryanne Wolf
Paperback (2009-01-01)
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The Brain That Changes Itself
Norman Doidge
Paperback (2008-08-01)
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Reframe Your Thinking Around Autism
Holly Bridges
Paperback (2022-08-01)
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Worksheets
Lawrence Shapiro
Paperback (2019-08-01)
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The Source
Dr Tara Swart
Paperback (2022-02-01)
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Tiffany Field
Paperback (2014-10-01)
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The Talent Code
Daniel Coyle
Paperback (2010-04-01)
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Daniel J Md Siegel
Paperback (2015-08-01)
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Nicholas Carr
Paperback (2020-03-01)
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Christopher Stuart; Vaughan M D Brown
Paperback (2010-04-01)
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A Colorful Introduction To the Anatomy Of the Human Brain
Maggie John P J ; Edwards Pinel
Paperback (2007-09-01)
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The Science Of Consequences
Susan M Schneider
Paperback (2012-11-01)
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Coping With Trauma-Related Dissociation
Suzette Boon; Kathy Steele; Onno Van Der Hart
Paperback (2011-03-01)
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