Western philosophy from c 1800

Top selling books in Western philosophy from c 1800

Striking Thoughts
Bruce Lee - John Little
Paperback (2002-06-01)
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Humanly Possible
Sarah Bakewell
Paperback (2024-03-01)
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The Human Condition
Hannah Arendt
Paperback (2018-10-01)
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The Intellectual Life
A G Sertillanges
Paperback (1992-08-01)
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Deleuze- Gilles/ Guattari- Felix
Paperback (2009-05-01)
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Being and Time
Martin Heidegger
Paperback (2019-03-01)
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Discipline and Punish
Michel; Alan Sheridan Foucault
Paperback (1995-04-01)
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Trouble With Being Born, The
E M Cioran
Paperback (2013-02-01)
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The Rebel
Albert Camus
Paperback (2000-12-01)
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Gravity and Grace
Simone Weil
Paperback (2002-09-01)
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Benedict De Spinoza
Paperback (2013-11-01)
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Madness and Civilization
Michel Foucault
Paperback (1988-11-01)
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Simulacra and Simulation
Jean Baudrillard
Paperback (1994-12-01)
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The History Of Sexuality
Michel Foucault
Paperback (2006-01-01)
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Bataille- Georges/ Dalwood- Mary
Paperback (1987-01-01)
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Out Of Your Mind
Alan Watts
Paperback (2017-03-01)
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The Social Contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Paperback (2015-11-01)
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World As Will and Representation - Volume 2
Schopenhauer- Arthur/ Payne- E F J
Paperback (1966-06-01)
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The Conquest Of Happiness
Daniel C Dennett Bertrand Russell
Paperback (2013-08-01)
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Gilles Deleuze
Paperback (1991-09-01)
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A Short History Of Decay
E M Cioran
Paperback (2018-08-01)
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The Enlightenment
John Robertson
Paperback (2015-12-01)
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Dialectic Of Enlightenment
Max Horkheimer; Theodor W Adorno; Editor-Gunzelin Schmid Noerr; Translator-Edmund Jephcott
Paperback (2007-03-01)
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The Life Of the Mind
Hannah Arendt
Paperback (1981-03-01)
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