Taxonomy and systematics

Top selling books in Taxonomy and systematics

Naming Nature
Carol Kaesuk Yoon
Paperback (2010-08-01)
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A Field Guide To California Lichens
Stephen Sharnoff
Paperback (2014-05-01)
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Shrubs and Woody Vines Of Indiana and The Midwest
Harmon P Weeks Sally S ; Jr Weeks
Paperback (2012-03-01)
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Every Living Thing
Rob Dunn
Paperback (2010-05-01)
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Trees Of Santa Barbara
J Robert Robert N; Haller Muller
Paperback (2015-07-01)
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The Science Of Describing
Brian W Ogilvie
Paperback (2008-03-01)
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The Art Of Naming
Michael Ohl
Paperback (2019-02-01)
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The Platypus and The Mermaid and Other Figments Of the Classifying Imagination
Harriet Ritvo
Paperback (1998-10-01)
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Plant Systematics
Gurcharan Singh
Paperback (2021-03-01)
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John S Wilkins
Paperback (2021-03-01)
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The Names Of Plants
David Gledhill
Paperback (2008-03-01)
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