Epidemiology and Medical statistics

Top selling books in Epidemiology and Medical statistics

David Quammen
Paperback (2013-08-01)
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Maladies Of Empire
Jim Downs
Paperback (2023-10-01)
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Getting Started With R
Andrew P Beckerman
Paperback (2017-03-01)
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The Chimp and The River
David Quammen
Paperback (2015-02-01)
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Statistics Explained
Steve McKillup
Paperback (2011-12-01)
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Clinical Prediction Models
Ewout W Steyerberg
Paperback (2020-08-01)
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Christian W McMillen
Paperback (2016-12-01)
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Epidemiology 101
Robert H Friis
Paperback (2017-03-01)
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Rodolfo Saracci
Paperback (2010-04-01)
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Intuitive Biostatistics
Motulsky Harvey
Paperback (2017-11-01)
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Epidemiology By Design
Daniel Westreich
Paperback (2019-11-01)
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Health Measurement Scales
David L Streiner
Paperback (2015-01-01)
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Infections and Inequalities
Paul Farmer
Paperback (2001-02-01)
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Biostatistics For Dummies
John Pezzullo
Paperback (2013-07-01)
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Beating Back the Devil
Maryn McKenna
Paperback (2008-07-01)
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Kenneth J Rothman
Paperback (2012-06-01)
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Deadly Choices
M D Paul A Offit
Paperback (2015-03-01)
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Diseases and Human Evolution
Barnes- Ethne
Paperback (2007-02-01)
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An Introduction To Medical Statistics
Martin Bland
Paperback (2015-09-01)
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A Primer Of Ecological Statistics, Second Edition
Aaron M Ellison Nicholas J Gotelli
Paperback (2012-11-01)
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Time Series Analysis and Its Applications
Robert H Shumway
Paperback (2017-04-01)
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Epidemics and Enslavement
Paul Kelton
Paperback (2009-07-01)
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An Introduction To Infectious Disease Modelling
Richard White Emilia Vynnycky
Paperback (2010-07-01)
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Survival Analysis Using Sas
Paul D Allison
Paperback (2010-03-01)
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